An introduction to helium 3 isotopes

Time:2022-06-07 01:18:55

Helium 3 - Helium was first observed in 1868 by French astronomer Pierre-Jules-César Janssen during a solar eclipse in Gontur, India. Later that year, the United Kingdom

Astronomer Norman Lockyer observed a similar yellow line in the solar spectrum. He and the British chemist Edward Frankland put this

The element is named from the Greek word helios , which means "sun". Helium was first isolated on Earth in 1895 by Scottish chemist Sir William Ramsay .

He-3 is a rare stable isotope in ordinary helium. It comes from the slow degradation of the radioisotope tritium, and He-3 is mainly transported in the gaseous form, which is used in neutron detectors, light

Spectrometers, medical imaging, ring lasers, dilution refrigerators, and ultra-low temperature physics research. He-3 is a colorless, odorless, high-pressure gas. In nuclear physics, helium ions or 

Alpha particles are used as projectiles to bombard heavy nuclei to generate energy or to obtain artificial radioisotopes. Liquid helium is used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment to diagnose cancer and other soft

tissue disease.

Supply information: Please contact the professional supplier of isotopes, Foshan Zhicheng Gas Co., Ltd.

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