Several basic methods of standard gas waste gas treatment

Time:2022-06-07 01:23:07

1. Standard gas waste gas treatment has the following four methods:

1. Adsorption method Adsorption method is also called dry method, which uses solid absorbent to adsorb harmful components in gas. There are many kinds of adsorbents due to the different components of the absorbed gas, such as porous activated carbon, alumina gel, silica gel, diatomaceous earth, etc. 

2. The absorption method is suitable for the treatment of water-soluble substances and substances that react with water, as well as some substances that dissolve in acid-base solutions or react with acid-base solutions. It absorbs substances through the contact of gas and absorbent. In the absorbing phase, common absorbing solutions include aqueous solutions of alkalis such as water and sodium hydroxide. The methods of gas-liquid two-phase contact include spray type and bubbling type. 

3. Combustion method This method is suitable for the treatment of various combustible gases. It converts harmful substances into harmless or less harmful substances through combustion, or converts them into a form that is easy to capture. The combustion method can also be divided into a method of direct combustion mixed with air and a method of oxidation with the aid of a catalyst.

4. Dilution method It is a method of diluting the harmful components in the exhaust gas with nitrogen or other inert gases or air before discharging. This method is relatively simple and applicable to most gases. But in the long-term interests of mankind, it is best not to use this method. 

2. Treatment of standard gas toxic gas

   (1) Personnel handling toxic gases must wear protective equipment such as gas masks, gloves, etc. Personnel unrelated to the handling work are prohibited from entering the toxic gas treatment area;

   (2) To directly discharge a small amount of toxic gas into the atmosphere, it must be carried out in a remote place as far as possible with the approval of the relevant departments, and the concentration of the discharge outlet should be controlled, and it should be diluted to below the allowable emission concentration;
   (3) The absorption used in the treatment of toxic gas Agents and adsorbents, their effectiveness should be ensured before they can be used;

3. Treatment of standard gas combustible gas

   (1) For the discharge of combustible gas, if the discharge volume is large, choose a place with as few people as possible, pay attention to the prohibition of open fire around, and prepare corresponding fire extinguishers, sand and water;
   (2) Discharge the combustible gas in the cylinder, work Personnel should stand on the side of the gas outlet to prevent the gas from hurting people;
   (3) When using the combustion method, a pressure reducing valve should be installed to control the speed of the combustible gas, and try to release the gas slowly, so that it is in the air. The combustion device is fully burnt out.

Fourth, the treatment of standard gas inert gas

    Although inert gas is not dangerous, the accumulation of a large amount of inert gas will reduce the surrounding oxygen content and cause suffocation.

  (1) Discharge in a suitable place outdoors;
  (2) If the cylinder or instrument is indoors, connect the exhaust pipe to lead it to the outdoors for slow discharge.

5. Treatment of standard gas combustion-supporting gas

 (1) Thoroughly remove the powder, petroleum, grease and flammable substances adhering to the container valve or using the appliance, and then carry out the combustion-supporting treatment;
 (2) It is strictly forbidden to mix the combustion-supporting gas and To prevent explosion accidents;
 (3) There should be no ignition sources, combustibles and abnormal explosives around the combustion-supporting gas.