Nickel isotope Nickel 64

Time:2022-06-07 01:14:37

Nickel isotope Nickel 64

Nickel isotopes are used in the production of several radioisotopes. Ni-64 is used to produce CU-64 for radioimmunotherapy. Ni-61 can be used to produce PET radioactive isotope Cu-61. Ni-62 is used to produce the radioactive isotope Ni-63 and can be used as an XRF source, an electron capture source in gas chromatographs, and a power source in memS systems. Ni-58 can be used to produce the radioactive isotope Co-58. Ni-60 is used to produce CO-57, which is used for bone density determination and as a reference source for gamma cameras. The NI-60 is also used as a substitute for the Production of the CU-61, but the route through the NI-61 is more common. Finally, the most stable isotopes of nickel have been used to study nickel absorption in humans. Ni 64 is in high demand.

Due to its half-life and β emission capacity (T½ = 12.7 hours; β+, 0.653 MeV [17.8%]; β-, 0.579 MeV [38.4%]), Cu-64 is a promising radioisotope cancer for imaging and radiotherapy. In addition, copper's chemical properties are well defined, so there are abundant options for linking (chelating) Cu-64 to proteins, antibodies, peptides and nanoparticles that are specific to specific cell types and organs.

Copper-64 has a perfect carrier-free production route of 64Ni(P, N)64Cu, which can achieve a high yield of 3-10 mCi/μAh, and can be efficiently produced at cyclotrons ranging from 11MeV to 19MeV. Over the past decade, production of the radioactive isotope has expanded globally, including in North America, Europe, Japan and other markets.

We provide Ni-64 as a metal powder that can be easily dissolved on a gold or rhodium platform for plating to mount on the target.

As a widely used PET reagent, Ni-64/Cu-64 can provide high image quality and many excellent chelating pathways and processes, showing promising prospects. Cu-64 is currently being included in clinical studies to predict prognosis and determine aggressive cancer behavior in squamous cells.

64CU-ATSM has been granted investigational new Drug status by the US Food and Drug Administration and is currently used in clinical studies on cervical cancer imaging hypoxia. These and other studies have shown that PET imaging using 64Cu-ATSM can provide clinically relevant information on tumor oxygenation (chronic versus acute) and predict the likelihood of disease-free, post-treatment survival in patients with cervical cancer.

The future of the CU-64 is bright and we support this PET advance with the high quality NI-64 available on the market.

Supply information: please contact Foshan Zhicheng Gas Co., LTD., a professional isotope supplier

Tel: 0757-81033032 Email: ZC_GAS@163.COM